Join us this May the 4th at Coronation for some enjoyable rapier activities.
9:00am – List opens – Inspections and authorizations
10:00am – list closes for morning court. Will reopen shortly following court.
12:00 – Lunch
1:00pm – 3:00pm – Combined arms tournament
Join us for combined arms team combat. Two rapier combatants and two armored combatants will form a team. No more than 2 grant or higher level martial award recipients per team. These can be on one side of the team or split up that will be up to the team. (Bronze Rings, MoDs, Captains, or Knights). Depending on the number of teams signed up this will be a Round Robin style tourney. This will be for the pleasure of the crown.
3:00pm-4:00pm – SWWS (Space Wizards With Swords) Tourney
This will be a single sword tournament, single, dagger, or longsword, in the classic feel of our beloved Space Wizards. But don't worry about the Force not being present we will be happily providing Force abilities to be drawn from round to round. Come and join us for an interesting time on the field, and May the 4th be with you.
4:30 – List closes/cleanup
9:00am – List opens – Inspections and authorizations
10:00am – list closes for morning court. Will reopen shortly following court.
12:00 – Lunch
1:00pm – 3:00pm – Combined arms tournament
Join us for combined arms team combat. Two rapier combatants and two armored combatants will form a team. No more than 2 grant or higher level martial award recipients per team. These can be on one side of the team or split up that will be up to the team. (Bronze Rings, MoDs, Captains, or Knights). Depending on the number of teams signed up this will be a Round Robin style tourney. This will be for the pleasure of the crown.
3:00pm-4:00pm – SWWS (Space Wizards With Swords) Tourney
This will be a single sword tournament, single, dagger, or longsword, in the classic feel of our beloved Space Wizards. But don't worry about the Force not being present we will be happily providing Force abilities to be drawn from round to round. Come and join us for an interesting time on the field, and May the 4th be with you.
4:30 – List closes/cleanup